Learn How to Build a Capsule Wardrobe & Create a Stylish Outfits in One-Minute
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What is a capsule wardrobe? OwnMuse will help you understand what a capsule wardrobe is and why it will help you. Having a wardrobe full of clothes you love that can be mixed and matched is partway to having a capsule wardrobe. The other part is making sure you have clothes that suit your lifestyle and what you do day to day. The intention of a capsule wardrobe is to help you be your own muse, your own style inspiration.
Consider the notion, to buy quality clothes and achieve a less is more approach is and needs to be the future of fashion. Meaning you focus less on spending, consuming and wastefulness and turn the focus to owning garments you enjoy, which are made to last and are produced with the workers and planets resources at the forefront of their ethics.
All this is a reference to what a capsule wardrobe is and why it works. Time and time again it is the proven way to enhance your personal style, save money and de-clutter your wardrobe space. Care for the people who produce your clothes, the material, resources and reduce waste cycles.
Image: @bonjourlasmala
Tick, tick, tick - your heart is starting to race. You need to get dressed. You are rushing - again!Frustration, a feeling of wardrobe malfunction floods through your entire being. Ah, all these clothes and not a single outfit is working.
You grab a few clothes, processing a 'that will do'. Promising to wear an outfit tomorrow that resonates the personal style and confidence you know you deserve. Out the door, you go.
Putting on a top, trousers or skirt in the morning that doesn't fit right is annoying and no way to start your day. Do you have clothes you haven't worn? You need to own clothes that feel good and that are the best quality you can afford.
I can not emphasise this enough, feeling worn out or lacking enthusiasm getting dressed in the morning is not something you need to feel any more.
That's right you can have a remarkable fashion style that is uniquely you.
You don't need to spend a whole lot of money, you don't need a stylist.
What you do need is to keep reading...
What if I told you 1 minute is all you will need to create an outfit that makes you feel empowered all day long?
All these things and many many more will bestow you when you start your day with a cleverly planned outfit.
How you style yourself daily affects how you feel through your whole day.
This changed my life. It's not hard, I'll talk you through the how.
The benefits of a capsule wardrobe for you:
Free your brain power so you can focus on other things
Save time - you only need 1 minute
Save money - purpose buying
No more outfit dread
Love your style
Gain compliments
Be unique in your style
You are busy! So let's get to it.
The Capsule Wardrobe Concept, what is it give me more details?
A Capsule Wardrobe is a clever mix of fashion and accessories.
It's a curated edit of your wardrobe with a trained eye. There are free and published resources available from the OwnMuse e-book store.
Image credit: @selinasinspiration
How a Capsule Wardrobe is going to work for you?
A Capsule Wardrobe is a style solution - a clever way to make sense of your style, what to buy and what not to buy.
Build a Capsule Wardrobe and you will have a wardrobe full of clothes you love, clothes that quickly and with less effort coordinate together to make outfits that you love. Your style will be defined and you will feel more confident in how you dress.
Looking stylish is a powerful confidence booster. Embrace looking good, here is your how to look more stylish answer - create a capsule wardrobe.
It's about loving everything you own rather than half-heartedly liking a lot of things.
How you dress directly affects how you feel. Building a Capsule Wardrobe will help you look more stylish and feel more confident. Feeling more confident creates opportunities.
Feeling more stylish encourages you to have a good day, to work that little bit harder, to be that little bit happier.
Style is who you are - help yourself and Build a Capsule Wardrobe today.
How to Start Building a Capsule Wardrobe? (free download)
1. Download - your Capsule Wardrobe Starter-Kit Checklist or enter your details below ⬇
2. Read - the checklist and corresponding blog post - 20 Piece Capsule Wardrobe Starter-Kit Guide
3. Edit & Shop - tick off what you have already and take note of what you need. Ideally, remove everything from your wardrobe and drawers and start with a clean clear closet.
You will soon have a unique wardrobe specially tailored to suit you!
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8 Important Reminders when Building a Capsule Wardrobe
1. Closet Care and Wardrobe Organization
A wardrobe audit for one means you are clearing out all those clothes you kind of like, maybe they are snagged, saggy, loose, too tight, there is a hole, they smell, they itch, they never made you feel good.
Get it, you have these items sit their your wardrobe starring you in the face - every day.
They are pulling you down, they are making you feel excited to see them. Move them on, time to recycle. This being said I am a huge fan or vintage and second-hand designer clothes and accessories.
Image credit: @o_tres
2. Key Fashion BasicsDo you own all the fundamental key basics that are necessary for your everyday outfit inspiration?
Make sure you check by downloading the FREE 20 Piece Capsule Wardrobe Starter-Kit Checklist.
Buying a range of basics that maybe you had previously overlooked is an important style solution.
Fashion basics will create an easy and fresh way to pull your whole outfit together. Basics need to be regularly cared for and laundered correctly to keep them well maintained. They are also easily upcycled or recycled and replaced. They work with your more unique keepsake fashion. For example, you may have a beautiful skirt that is made so well and in such good quality fabric, it lasts you decades.
Key fashion pieces that make getting dressed each morning fun and a success. It's time to leave the days of wardrobe frustration behind you.
Image credit @girlmeetsgold
3. Method and Formula
Plan your wardrobe it's a sure way to have successful daily outfits. What does planning your wardrobe actually mean?
Being organized is partway there but have a method and formula for how you plan to structure, curate, design and stock your wardrobe.
The breakdown, the structure - is the contents of your closet, the perfect starting point is this free checklist, the essential 20 piece capsule wardrobe checklist.
Curate - or in other words carefully select and edit. The clothes you choose don't just need to fit with the checklist structure. They need to be the right cut and fabric for your body and to suit your life.
Design - choose styles that are timeless and transcend trends. In colours which suit your complexion and personal style.
Stock - whether you are buying new, second-hand or swapping with a friend. Choose quality of quantity ever time. Stocking your closet with the key basics you need to assemble your daily outfits is a sure way to having a personal style that makes you thrive.
Image credit: @yinxbear
4. The Power of Letting GoMake a conscious decision to downsize your purchasing and existing possessions. It's not easy, but here is the plus. Imagine your wardrobe only contains the items that really make you feel good, the items you really enjoy, the items that together with key basics are all you need.
Your personal style is simplified, you get to keep the objects you that you fondly treasure. It's a winning formula.
There will be a release from the clutter and the burden of organising a closet full of things you don't need or even want. What an incredible awakening.
Whether it's a little or lots human generally have been conditioned to buy, to spend. Shifting these habits can be challenging.
A good place to start is becoming more mindful of consuming is through touch. By touching fabrics, respecting and pondering the process of:
How this item came to be?
Where was it made?
By who it was made?
How it has been made?
Acknowledge these thoughts will lead you towards becoming more ethically aware of what you are consuming a tremendously good place to start.
More reading about ethical fashion choices - Minimalist Eco-Fashion Capsule Wardrobe Basics Made to Last.
Slowly implementing stages of minimalism and mindfulness into your buying habits, organisation and lifestyle will make a big difference, a little here and there is better than not being mindful at all.
We live in a consumer-based and chaotically busy world, often with houses filled to the brim. Simplifying your wardrobe is giving you control.
There is a rhyme to this reason, balance and harmony in your life will flow from you controlling your wardrobe.
De-cluttering and continuously supply your wardrobe with exactly what you need will bring you a huge sense of relief. Not just once the task is accomplished. Far from it - every day you will be gifted with relief. The panic, stress and time-consuming outfit assembling days will be behind you.
Be proud of your accomplishment. Enjoy the feeling of gratification and the pleasure your new or refreshed capsule wardrobe will bestow you.
Image credit: @jessannkirby
6. Be brand conscious when re-stocking
Inevitably you will need to stock up on some items. Consider the brand you are investing in, the quality, morals and longevity of the style.
Being brand conscious means you are spending your money on clothes that will last.
7. Buy better
The key is when you get the urge to shop shift take a moment to consider what it is you are missing or in need of.
Ideally, keep a list of items that you are in need of. The Capsule Wardrobe workbook contains exactly that and is engineered to help you design and stock your wardrobe especially to suit your unique life and personal style.
Ask yourself these questions - or make up some of your own:
Do I like the feel of the fabric?
Does this cut suit my body shape?
Do I feel I look good?
If the answer is no, don't keep it. Sell, Rework, Donate or Bin.
8. Stay on Task
It's not realistic to plan and edit your wardrobe and not check-in for regular maintenance. If you never cleaned or tidied your house you can't expect it to not be dusty.
Set aside 10-30min a month to have an enjoyable wardrobe declutter, tidy and keep a checklist.
This way when you shop you will be doing so with a purpose - money well spent.
Hold a swap afternoon tea: Why not grab 5-10 pieces you like but don't wear, maybe they don't suit you, they don't fit or they just aren't right. Get together with some friends, make a party of it. Offer to trade.
Recommended blog posts:
Casual Daywear 10 Pieces = 14 Days of outfits
Capsule Wardrobe Style Tips - How To Look Stylish Fast
Step-By-Step Guide How To Create a Travel Capsule Wardrobe
Happy organising,
Comments or ideas please reach out,
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Post written by Harper Sinclair. Content creator for ownmuse.com
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