Thrift Shopping: Second Hand Refashion Online Stores

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second-hand-thrift-vintage-sustainable-fashion-own-muse-ownmuse Image: @seanbenesh

Second Hand Refashion Thrift Stores
Vintage Fashion Finds 

Whether you love the victory of the find, the hunt, the challenge, the unique and somewhat undefined - all lead to one of the best sustainable fashion aesthetics.
What is the most sustainable eco way to buy clothes?
Second-hand! Refashion!
Google is a treasure trove of second-hand stores, the thrift stores, vintage, retro, refashion and eclectic shops.
If Google gets too overwhelming then have you tried Etsy?
Leave it to the expert to uncover where these fashion essentials and heirlooms reside.
How about a list of the very best second-hand store OwnMuse can find. All neatly presented to you in a well-edited, highly shopped and sourced list.
Online thrift shopping has never been so easy:

Zappas Vintage

Zappasvintage-Dark Blue 50s Vintage Dress.jpg
Etsy Rating: 5 star
Country of Origin: From Denmark
Why I shop here: Delightful selection of bespoke vintage finds. 23 years of retail makes this Denmark favourite cream of the crop of second-hand thrift shopping
What you will find: Everything from special occasion dresses, capes, coats, shirt, trousers to shoes, bags and accessories. 
Shopping tip: Choose a colour and enter it in the search box and get tantalised with one of a kind second-hand finds.

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Now Voyager Vintage

NowVoyagerVintage-1940s wool dress coat

Now Voyager Vintage
Etsy Rating: 5 star 
Country of Origin: From Sweden
Why I shop here: Unique quirky second-hand vintage finds. These pieces put a smile on my face, the true essence of what fashion is all about.
What you will find: Elegance and sophistication all in mint condition second-hand treasures in mint condition. Passionately cared for, laundered and preserved in time.
Shopping tip: Travel back in time and find a pice that resonates for you, saviour the quality.

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Corvus & Black

corvusandBlack-Vintage Original Art Nouveau Revival Czech Bohemian Carnival Glass.jpg
Corvus & Black
Etsy Rating: 5 star 
Country of Origin: From London, UK
Why I shop here: I haven't purchased yet, I just came across this store in my researching and wow am I impressed. A few things in my cart - a few too many.
What you will find: xxx
Shopping tip: Act quickly, you don't want to miss out on these one-off vintage pieces.

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Pom Pom Vintage

pompom-vintage-second-hand-thrift- LEVIS 505 Jeans

Shop Pom Pom Vintage
Etsy Rating: 5 star 
Country of Origin: United States
Why I shop here: Another I haven't purchased from yet, as too with the above I came across this store in my researching for this post. With that many 5 star reviews, I feel comfortable suggesting this store.
What you will find: Mid to late century wears, period pieces that transcend their timeframes. Quirks to define your personal style that resemble the beautiful unique side of yourself that you crave.
Shopping tip: Choose fabrics you know suit your body shape and you like the touch of. When choosing vintage this can be the make or break and success of the piece you choose.

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Post written by Harper Sinclair. Content creator for

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