Eco Warrior: Why you need to be your own muse
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Your Muse should be cool, have the style, energy, passion, and wardrobe you dream of and find ways to have fun.
First things first - What is a Muse?
A muse; a person who is a source of inspiration.
Beautifully written explanation from, excerpt below:
“As a verb, to muse is to consider something thoughtfully. As a noun, it means a person — especially a woman — who is a source of artistic inspiration.
In mythology, the Muses were nine goddesses who symbolized the arts and sciences. Today, a muse is a person who serves as an artist's inspiration. Often filmmakers talk about a certain actor being a muse — meaning the actor inspired a movie. Writers, painters, musicians, and other artists have muses.
Muse can also refer to thinking deeply. If you muse about something, you're giving it serious thought. You can't muse in five seconds. People muse on certain ideas for years.”
So your muse?
Your own muse is 'you', what you are good at visual, scientific, numerical, literary, your style, your presence in the world. ✔ ✔ ✔
Your muse is your dream version of you, its beautiful, powerful, wise, confident and evokes excitement. Possibly in turn and not all at once, days aren't perfect, this is a journey.
Remind yourself; your muse can recreate itself and in many forms, is evolving constantly. This means it's ok not to get things right, hold on to the good and let go, evolve, move on.
Identifying your own muse will strengthen your sense of self and promote a happier existence.
Let’s look at how to do this.
There are two main ways; use your surroundings, the world we live in, literally anything and everything can be an inspiration for your muse.
The other way is deeper, it involves soul searching and looking within, working with what is already there and tweaking it. Your skills, your knowledge, your style, your closet, possibly who you spend time with, where you spend time. What feels right, what feels extraordinary!
A great place to start is with your closet how we style ourselves directly impacts how we feel each day.
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Meeting your own muse
Do you want to be friends with your Muse? You should.
Do you want to chase your muse eagerly urging her/him to be best friends? You should.
Your Muse should be cool, have the closet you dream of and find ways to have fun. Keep life light, interesting but also know when to be wise and serious.
Your muse is the healthy you, the one who got up Tuesday morning and went swimming.
Getting in tune with your muse
Confidence; this is who I am this is what I am about for everyone this is different, unique and special. Your muse walks in the room a creates enchantment, others coo at your style, the clothes sit right, they look right, the fabric touches your skin perfectly, your muse is graceful, daring and knows how to make last season fashion look fresh and as if off this season's runway.
Beauty and style; your muse always has clean hair, which bounces just right, effortless, classic and classy. Hair argh - wow this one is a constant battle. Where to begin. My muse and I are still working on this one, more Youtube how-to videos.
Health and fitness; we aren't perfect, not even close but we all need an inner personal trainer and dietician, not to mention naturopath, psychologist, chef etc. Your muse is educated in all the above and lives a balanced healthy existence and navigates you to help you do the same.
Fashion and retail; your muse doesn’t overspend but keeps a list of what she/he needs and purchases only then.
How we look directly influences how we feel. The clothes we wear, the way we style our hair, the accessories we choose for the day.
Your muse has a style that others covet and doesn't flaunt, is chic, cool and effortless.
Having a day when you can't feel your Muse? Lacking inspiration, energy, oomph?
Try tapping out, lessen your routine, maybe your own muse is annoyed with you.
To make life work in your favor you need your own muse by your side.
Your muse along with working hard has the power to make you great.
Believe in yourself. Believe in your muse.
As we come to a close
Picture this, hopefully, you read the following and understand it isn’t about money, it transcends style not purchasing. You are strutting down the street, wearing a pair of sunnies, they make you feel amazing, you have a bounce in your stride, you feel elated, in control, like something good is about to happen. Maybe you smile at a stranger, they smile back, you feel like you want to feel about yourself. Proud to be you.
How can a pair of sunglasses have some much power? For some it is about the money how much they cost, maybe its the style, the shape, the designer, the colour, maybe you saw someone else with them, maybe they were your grandmother's, a gift from a friend, a bargain purchase at the markets? Whatever the reason - keep wearing them. Rejoice in the fact you have an item that makes you feel this way. Work on every aspect of your style, health, personality, friendship circle making you feel like this, the list goes on and on. Its worth it and achievable, that's your muse.
Your muse helps you enjoy the good, keeps you going during the tough and helps your ride out the storms. That little voice that motivates and inspires you. The voice that tells you to work harder at the gym, study more, practice more, write one more paragraph, live more, breathe more, be more and smile.
Last but not least, take a moment to contemplate the below:
“Find meaning. Distinguish melancholy from sadness. Go out for a walk. It doesn’t have to be a romantic walk in the park, spring at its most spectacular moment, flowers and smells and outstanding poetical imagery smoothly transferring you to another world. It doesn’t have to be a walk during which you’ll have multiple life epiphanies and discover meanings no other brain ever managed to encounter. Do not be afraid of spending quality time by yourself. Find meaning or don’t find meaning but 'steal' some time and give it freely and exclusively to your own self. Opt for privacy and solitude. That doesn’t make you antisocial or cause you to reject the rest of the world. But you need to breathe. And you need to be.”
― Albert Camus, Notebooks 1951-1959
Peace out, hope to hear your comments.
x Harper Sinclair
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Post written by Harper Sinclair. Content creator for
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