What Does Zero Waste Mean? How To Become Zero Waste... is it possible?

Sustainable everyday living - made simple and stylish

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Zero-Waste - Food Storage Re-usable ContainersImage: Laura Mitulla

What does zero-waste mean?

Zero-waste is personal, domestic, government and industrial responsibility for the conservation of all resources and sustainability. 
If every product you use and consume has a chain of zero waste then you can successfully claim it as zero waste.
Challenging? Yes. Very!
Is this possible? 
Yes it is POSSIBLE.
But bigger than this - is a mindset.
OwnMuse encourages a culture of what you are doing rather than what you aren't.

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Living zero-waste is a journey and is accomplished in stages...

Where to start?

Reducing At Home

Passionate about the environment?
Here's how you can:
Drastically reduce household waste
Create a healthier, chemical and toxic-free home environment.
Recycle (the correct way) the truth of the matter will shock you. 
Everyday household recycling waste reuse ideas - get creative and save money.
The truth about everyday household product waste and how you can create change
Step-by-step Sustainable Living Guide: Less Waste Home
Plus loads more...
It's easy to follow, it's practical and it's created for you!
Enjoy your copy and create a healthier home environment and reduce household waste - starting today!
Step-by-step Sustainable Living Guide: Less Waste Home
Step-by-step Sustainable Living Guide: Less Waste Home
Nicole Willis 10 Apr, 2021
5 out of 5 star
I have been recycling for a very long time now; but basically just through my local city recycling program. Yes I'm proud of what I have been doing, to do my part in this world, but after reading Less Waste Home. My goodness there is SOOOOO much more that can and needs to be done. There is SOOOO much more that I can and need to be doing! Harper's E-book is a plethora of information about recycling that I had no idea about. Her guidance and advice on how you can start making changes is extremely helpful and very doable, I feel. I could go on and on about this E-book, but the most important thing is that, whether you want to begin recycling or if you have been doing this for awhile now. This is a fantastic wealth of information, packed all into one place. That you will love having around.

Domestic or Household Zero waste

Involves the conscious use of glass and plastic food storage and reducing the need for adding them to landfill or recycling. This is achieved through repurposing glass and plastic food storage containers or not using them in the first place.
There are many options for obtaining food and household supplies without the need for single-use glass and plastic.
Zero-waste grocery stores provide shoppers with a means to use reusable containers or paper bags for storing food. Produce can be transferred to home storage once brought home for the longevity of supplies.


Zero-Waste Food Storage

Storage options are stainless steel, which is corrosion-resistant, glass food storage and plastic containers you already own.
Always make sure when reusing plastic containers they are dishwasher safe. Many food produce plastics are single-use and not intended to be reused. They are not BPA free and can leech chemical elements when they come in to contact with high temperatures.


How do I use a zero-waste grocery store?

  1. Most work by bringing in your own storage bags, reusable packaging, containers of using the supplied paper bags.
  2. If you bring your own bags or containers have them weight and take note so the weight can be removed from the weight once you add your produce.
  3. Buy as little or as much as you want. Take note of the code on the produce and mark this in your notes phone app or write on the paper bag or some eco-masking tape.
  4. Once you have selected your product you will take it to the register like another shopping experience.
  5. When in doubt ask. People who work in zero-waste stores are genuinely happy to help new customers. They are usually huge zero-waste advocates (that's why they work there). Aka if you are filling peanut butter or other liquid-based products.
I shop at 'The Source Bulk Foods' in Australia. They have global stores in New Zealand, Ireland, UK and Singapore. This zero-waste store is my favourite for its high number of organic choices, quality and variety.

Step-by-step Sustainable Living Guide: Less Waste Home
Step-by-step Sustainable Living Guide: Less Waste Home

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What Does Zero Waste Mean? How To Become Zero Waste

What products can I get at zero-waste grocery stores?

  • Beans and pulses
  • Bust tucker and Australia origin foods
  • Cereals
  • Coffee and Tea
  • Confectionery
  • Baking and Cooking Produce
  • Dried Fruit
  • Grains
  • Health Foods
  • Herbs and Spices
  • Honey
  • Household and Cleaning Supplies
  • Nuts
  • Oils
  • Pasta
  • Rice
  • Seed
  • Snacks
  • Superfoods
  • Waste Free Living


Reusing Glass Jars - What Does Zero Waste Mean? How To Become Zero Waste

Reusing glass jars

Reusing glass jars especially those with lids have a magnitude of repurposing options. 
Some ideas for reuse of glass containers are:
  • Bulk food storage - Grains, Legumes, Pasta, Rice, Dry Mixes, Nuts and Spices
  • Craft
  • Sewing
  • Toys (dolls accessories, collectables and marbles)
  • Game parts
  • Coins

Step-by-step Sustainable Living Guide: Less Waste Home
Step-by-step Sustainable Living Guide:
Less Waste Home


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Zero-waste exposes no threat to the environment or human health.

Through a means of responsible production, consumption, reuse, and recovery of all products, packaging, and materials, without burning them.
Wikipedia explains Zero Waste as being; the "a set of principles focused on waste prevention that encourages the redesign of resource life cycles so that all products are reused. The goal is for no trash to be sent to landfillsincinerators, or the ocean. Currently, only 9% of plastic is actually recycled. In a zero-waste system, material will be reused until the optimum level of consumption."
Zero-waste advocates say eliminating waste decreases pollution, and can also reduce costs due to the reduced need for raw materials.

Waste-free living is the ultimate sustainable goal

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Government Zero Waste

Global governments are required to implement an application of regulations for waste management systems. Government support is vital part in sustainability and the zero-waste puzzle. This is a necessity to influence industries to produce packaging from design, manufacturing to end of life.


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Industry Zero Waste

Undoubtedly the biggest pressure needs to be on industry. Industry sustainable systems and structures are of the greatest importance in the fight against waste. Consumer habits will change along with these sustainable systems and structures.
There is consumer lead pressures no doubt and these pressure on industry are a significant force. and consumers who consume with no knowledge, care or will the products are not available consumers will have to find other sources.
Roland Schmitt Distinguished Professor at Rensselaer states "Once that number grows above 10%, the idea spreads like flame."
The findings were published in the July 22, 2011, early online edition of the journal Physical Review E in an article titled "Social consensus through the influence of committed minorities."
Believe in your sustainable efforts. The rest will follow.
Meanwhile, get behind the brands who are using 100% recycled plastic containers. Reuse those containers are best you can. Or as this post suggests even better still aim for a zero-waste.
Get social - add your zero-waste efforts to OwnMuse Facebook Group page 'Sustainable Muse'.

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Post written by Harper Sinclair. Content creator for ownmuse.com

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